Autumn :(

Hello there, The weather isn't inviting to go for a walk o something like that, so we've to stay at home... But it's time of experiments :). Coffee is not all the world, we can start to find new tastes, for example in tea. Well, sincerely, I am not a fan of tea, but when is so cold, this idea of dried fruits in hot water in my mind is warming up all my body. I don't want to review a tea, because I don't drink it so much, but I want to encourage you to search the new ways of drinking, not only methods, but all kind of propositions. I mean, for example, now is pumpkin's season, so I've decided to bake a pumpkin cake. Well, it wasn't so delicious, but hey it was only an experiment, it good to say that as addition to coffee it was quite eatable. Another thing is butter beer or hot chocolate with whipped cream and cherry in the top. Why not? This year is passing slowly, so we have to do something new to accomplish it good. I'm not saying about something...