Potato cake?

Hello there, The title of this post isn't encouraging, is it? Well as all the New Year's resolutions should have been forgotten, I believe that someone of you bought some stuff to reach dream shape like exercising accessories or diet food. Today I'll focus on the second one. I mean "what a shame throw away so much money". Anyway, I've found fit cake recipe and as a result I don't have any mark of my resolutions. So, what we need: - sweet potato (500g) - raspberry (300g) - eggs (2 of medium size) - protein whey (60g) - coconut flour (25g) - coconut shreds (10g) - walnuts (10g) - coconut oil (8g) - baking powder (5g) - lemon juice (5g) How make it? At first, peel off the sweet potato and treat it with food processor. Next put it in a bowl and add all ingredients without raspberry and coconut shreds. Stir it smoothly and fill the baking mold with a dough (if necessary use baking paper). Bake it in oven for 30 minutes ( or more if necessary) in ...