Potato cake?

Hello there,
The title of this post isn't encouraging, is it? Well as all the New Year's resolutions should have been forgotten, I believe that someone of you bought some stuff to reach dream shape like exercising accessories or diet food. Today I'll focus on the second one. I mean "what a shame throw away so much money".
Anyway, I've found fit cake recipe and as a result I don't have any mark of my resolutions.
So, what we need:
- sweet potato (500g)
- raspberry (300g)
- eggs (2 of medium size)
- protein whey (60g)
- coconut flour (25g)
- coconut shreds (10g)
- walnuts (10g)
- coconut oil (8g)
- baking powder (5g)
- lemon juice (5g)
How make it?
At first, peel off the sweet potato and treat it with food processor. Next put it in a bowl and add all ingredients without raspberry and coconut shreds. Stir it smoothly and fill the baking mold with a dough (if necessary use baking paper). Bake it in oven for 30 minutes ( or more if necessary) in 180°C, but at the middle of baking dot it with coconut shreds and put it again in oven. Serve it with raspberry sauce (only blend raspberries). It taste perfectly with Guatemala pour over coffee:)
That's all.
See ya!
My in the middle :D


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