It could be better

Hello there,
Do you remember last post about Simplio roaster room?
I tried another one of their product, this time is not as good as it was the first time...
I mean when I buy bright roasted coffee predestined to filter brewing, I want to have in my cup something like Macedonia salad. It's my fault, because I had chosen Aguas de Março before check the taste. Quality of coffee is perfect, but I really didn't go into. There is the taste of carmel and chocolate, but peach or nectarines are still hiding after 10 cups. Well, I'm little disappointed, because I could buy dark roasted coffee and make it in espresso machine and obtain the same taste. However, it's only my opinion, maybe only I'm looking for fruits and this is the Holy Grail for normal people.
That's all.
See ya!


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