Autumn Fieber

Hello there,

There it is... the beautiful and colourful... depression. It's ridiculous, but only this season has such connotations with this mood/mental disorder. I don't know why, because when leafs change their tones and everything around has golden and amber colours it makes this season very aesthetic, for me this season is a queen of the year. Only factor that I hate is atmospheric pressure, because it makes us zombies with lack of possibility of thinking, but for that the best is morning coffee :).

Unfortunately, today I want to say something about infusions. The truth is that my kitchen cupboards are full of every type of tea, herbs and other stuff that I don't even know what it is. Thanks to my fiancée I can write this entry, she is type of tea-lover who only buys all kind of tea for autumn, but drinks only earl grey (1 cup every week) and that's all. Well, I present you my top 4 of those inventions:
4. Red tea Pu-erh with lemon flavour: it's kind of spicy tea that I like to taste from time to time.
3. It's composition of dried fruits and herbs: chokeberries, hips, apple, hibiscus and orange, it can be drunk as warming mixture in cold evenings.
2. "Strawberry cupcake" tea with dried strawberries and aromatase of whipped cream.
1. Green tea with dried mango and coconut, this tea has the taste of exotic fruits and if someone tried those in exotic place, it's good remainder, specially, during cold evenings.

That's all for now
See ya!


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