Christmas = Christmas sales and blends

Hello there!
Well, we're in December. Every year at this period manufacturers storm us with their products of all kind. One of my favourite online-shops offered a very good coffee beans at the very beneficial price, it's related to their action-sale Coffee of the month, so I've ordered it. The coffee room is Hard Beans, the name is Fazenda Caxambu, darkroasted for espresso.
It was a good break up for the my test of 10 different coffees, here we've speciality coffee beans, so that means selected ones, also very high level of roasters makes it the highest quality coffee. Every aspect of this one is perfect for me. The truth is that this coffee has occupied the top of my favourite coffee's list, for now, it can compete with Kofi Brasil of KofiBrand (my favourite). Profil taste (manufacturer's information): Moka, cashew nuts, orange. It's awasome as espresso, but copes with milk and other brewing like moka express. A good company for espresso of this one is a carrotcake :).
That's all for today. See ya!


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